The OutCold Show!


Sunday, 7 October 2007


This is a real good look for uk music because it's something diffrent! I've known Faith Sfx for a bit now and i must say i did not know he could sing so BIG you up sir and peep RnG singer NY looking damn good in this video! makes me wanna have a house party but we all know you can't have one in london anymore without a fight going on. Look out for a video from UK artist Bashy -Black Boys cause it's a good track and the uk needs that so we can show people that not all black boys are gang members. I can't find the video on youtube but if your in the uk peep it on MTV Bass, ill try to get it up when i find it even if i aint the biggest fan of uk video's but when it's good i'm gonna surport it, REAL TALK.

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